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Using Metrics-Based Custom Thresholds in Prometheus Alerting Rules

April 04, 2024 by Julius Volz

Often you will want to have different alerting thresholds for different label combinations. For example, you may want to have individual thresholds for the error rates of each HTTP path and method combination, rather than a single hardcoded threshold…

Tags: alerting, thresholds, promql

Monitoring TLS Endpoint Certificate Expiration with Prometheus

February 06, 2024 by Julius Volz

If you have HTTPS endpoints in your infrastructure, you will want to make sure that none of their TLS certificates are about to expire without you noticing. Let's have a look at how you can use Prometheus' Blackbox Exporter to monitor for TLS…

Tags: alerting, tls, certificates, expiration, blackbox exporter

Errors, Successes, Totals: Which Metrics Should I Expose to Prometheus?

September 19, 2023 by Julius Volz

If your service is handling operations that can either succeed or fail, you may be wondering how to best expose them as Prometheus metrics. Should you expose errors and successes or errors and totals? Should you have a single metric split up by a…

Tags: prometheus, metrics, failures, errors, successes, totals, promql

Dealing with Missing Time Series in Prometheus

September 13, 2023 by Julius Volz

Due to Prometheus' dimensional data model and the way it tracks and collects metrics, some of the metrics referenced in your PromQL expressions may sometimes be missing. Let's have a look what causes missing series, how they can cause trouble for…

Tags: prometheus, time series, promql, instrumentation

High Availability for Prometheus and Alertmanager: An Overview

August 31, 2023 by Julius Volz

If you use Prometheus for mission-critical monitoring and alerting, you will want to make sure that your Prometheus stack is just as reliable as the systems and services it is monitoring. Let's take a look at the main strategies for achieving high…

Tags: prometheus, alertmanager, high availability, meta-monitoring

Sending Prometheus Alerts to Discord with Alertmanager v0.25.0

December 23, 2022 by Julius Volz

Today, the Prometheus Team released Alertmanager v0.25.0 with a large set of changes, new features, and bug fixes. As one of the new highlights, Alertmanager can now send alert notifications to Discord! This feature was added by Matthias Loibl of…

Tags: discord, alerting, alertmanager

Understanding Duplicate Samples and Out-of-order Timestamp Errors in Prometheus

December 15, 2022 by Julius Volz

Have you ever encountered any of the following errors in your Prometheus server logs? "Error on ingesting out-of-order samples" "Error on ingesting samples with different value but same timestamp" "duplicate sample for timestamp" Then you likely have…

Tags: prometheus, tsdb, out-of-order, duplicate, timestamps, collisions

Avoid These 6 Mistakes When Getting Started With Prometheus

December 11, 2022 by Julius Volz

Let's talk about 6 common mistakes to avoid when getting started with Prometheus-based monitoring: Mistake 1: Cardinality bombs This is the classic pitfall that everyone hits at least once when they're starting out with Prometheus. Once you discover…

Tags: prometheus, promql, monitoring, best practices, mistakes

Prometheus Turns 10

November 24, 2022 by Julius Volz

Today, we want to congratulate Prometheus on its tenth birthday! From Google to SoundCloud Ten years ago today, the first public commit was pushed to the Prometheus repo. Back then, Matt T. Proud and myself had just left Google to join SoundCloud. At…

Tags: prometheus, birthday

PromLabs and Chronosphere Open-Source the PromLens Query Builder

October 25, 2022 by Julius Volz

At PromLabs we created PromLens, the ultimate power tool for building, understanding, and visualizing PromQL queries, with the goal of helping users get the most out of PromQL-compatible monitoring solutions. A year ago, we partnered with…

Tags: promlens, promql, chronosphere, prometheus, open-source

What's New in Prometheus 2.39?

October 05, 2022 by Julius Volz

Today, the Prometheus Team released Prometheus 2.39. The main highlights are a new experimental TSDB feature that allows appending old or out-of-order data, as well as major improvements in resource usage. Besides that, there are a number of small…

Tags: tsdb, memory-usage

Testing the PromQL Compatibility of VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront

May 19, 2022 by Julius Volz

In the past, we have run and reported on multiple rounds of tests to verify the level of PromQL compatibility of various vendors and projects: Our initial comparison run from August 2020, Our update a few months later from November 2020, Our third…

Tags: promql, compliance, testing, vendors, wavefront, vmware, tanzu

What's New in Prometheus 2.33?

January 30, 2022 by Julius Volz

Today, the Prometheus Team released Prometheus 2.33. While there are only a few completely new features, this release promotes multiple important experimental features to a stable state. It also improves on existing functionality in Prometheus. Let's…

Tags: promql, remote write

Bringing the PromLens Fire to Chronosphere Users

November 04, 2021 by Julius Volz

At PromLabs we created PromLens, the ultimate power tool for building, understanding, and visualizing PromQL queries, with the goal of helping users get the most out of PromQL-compatible monitoring solutions. Today we are happy to announce that we…

Tags: promlens, promql, chronosphere

PromQL Vendor Compatibility, Round Three

October 14, 2021 by Julius Volz

Time for round three of our PromQL compatibility tests! In two previous blog posts, we compared PromQL correctness across vendors and then provided an update a few months later. Using an open-source compliance checker tool, we evaluated each…

Tags: promql, compliance, testing, vendors, cortex, thanos, victoriametrics, promscale, timescaledb, sysdig, metricfire, newrelic, m3, grafanacloud, chronosphere, amazon, amp, google, gmp, vmware, wavefront

What's New in Prometheus 2.30?

September 14, 2021 by Julius Volz

Today, the Prometheus Team released Prometheus 2.30. While this release is relatively light on major new features, it brings a number of enhancements to configurability and resource usage efficiency (in addition to some bug fixes). Let's take a look…

Tags: tsdb, wal, snapshots, scrape settings, timestamps, compression

What's New in Prometheus 2.28?

June 21, 2021 by Julius Volz

Today I had the pleasure of releasing Prometheus 2.28 in my function as a member of the Prometheus Team. While there are many changes in this release, let's take a look at some of the most relevant new features for users: Displaying trace exemplars…

Tags: exemplars, promql, http-sd, service-discovery, linode

Showcasing PromLens 1.0.0

May 26, 2021 by Julius Volz

Today we are happy to release version 1.0.0 of PromLens! PromLens is the ultimate power tool for PromQL that helps you build, analyze, explain, and visualize your queries. In case you are unfamiliar with it, try a quick demo here. Here is a summary…

Tags: promlens, promql, exploration

What's New in Prometheus 2.27?

May 16, 2021 by Julius Volz

Last Wednesday, the Prometheus Team released Prometheus 2.27. While there are many changes in this release, let's take a look at some of the most relevant new features for users: Dark mode Do you prefer darker user interfaces, especially when using…

Tags: exemplars, rules, backfilling, service-discovery

What's New in Prometheus 2.26?

April 01, 2021 by Julius Volz

Yesterday, the Prometheus Team released Prometheus 2.26. While there are many changes in this release, let's take a look at some of the most relevant new features for users: New PromQL editor Since the creation of Prometheus in 2012, the built-in…

Tags: promql, editor, tracing, exemplars, aws, amp, sigv4

How Exactly Does PromQL Calculate Rates?

January 29, 2021 by Julius Volz

Counters are a Prometheus metric type whose value only goes up, and which represent cumulative total counts like "How many requests have we handled in total?" or "How many seconds have we spent handling requests?". Since the value of a counter…

Tags: promql, rate, increase, counters, learning

PromQL Queries for Exploring Your Metrics

December 17, 2020 by Julius Volz

When building PromQL queries, a frequent need for users is to get an idea of the data they are working with, and a way to explore the space of all available metrics and their labels. While the UI tooling for this is still evolving (PromLens and…

Tags: promql, exploration, metrics, promlens

Showcasing PromLens 0.11.0

December 15, 2020 by Julius Volz

Today we are happy to announce version 0.11.0 of PromLens. PromLens is the ultimate power tool for PromQL that helps you build, analyze, explain, and visualize your queries. In case you are unfamiliar with it, try a demo here. Here is a summary of…

Tags: promlens, promql

An Update on PromQL Compatibility Across Vendors

December 01, 2020 by Julius Volz

Prometheus's query language PromQL is one of the cornerstones of the Prometheus ecosystem. Back in our August blog post, Comparing PromQL Correctness Across Vendors, we looked at several external projects and monitoring vendors that claimed to offer…

Tags: promql, compliance, testing, vendors, cortex, thanos, victoriametrics, promscale, timescaledb, metricfire, newrelic, m3, grafanacloud, chronosphere

Showcasing PromLens 0.10.0

October 19, 2020 by Julius Volz

Today we are happy to announce version 0.10.0 of PromLens. PromLens is the ultimate power tool for PromQL that helps you build, analyze, explain, and visualize your queries. In case you are unfamiliar with it, this is what it looks like: PromLens…

Tags: promlens, promql

The Meaning of "Prometheus" - A Tale of Implementations and Interfaces

October 13, 2020 by Julius Volz

What people mean when they say that they "use Prometheus" or "support Prometheus" is evolving over time. Initially, the Prometheus landscape was very focused on a specific set of component implementations, whereas nowadays the focus is shifting more…

Tags: prometheus, promql

Metric Types in Prometheus and PromQL

September 25, 2020 by Julius Volz

Prometheus has the concept of different metric types: counters, gauges, histograms, and summaries. If you've ever wondered what these terms were about, this blog post is for you! We'll look at the meaning of each metric type, how to use it when…

Tags: promql, data model, metric types, instrumentation

Comparing PromQL Correctness Across Vendors

August 06, 2020 by Julius Volz

UPDATE: See our follow-up blog post from December 1 for the latest round of PromQL vendor test results. Prometheus' query language PromQL is one of the most important interfaces in the Prometheus ecosystem. Organizations rely on it to build their…

Tags: promql, compliance, testing, vendors, cortex, thanos, victoriametrics, timescaledb

Selecting Data in PromQL

July 02, 2020 by Julius Volz

In our last post, we looked at the overall anatomy of a PromQL query. Today, let's look a bit closer at the two ways of selecting data in PromQL: instant vector selectors and range vector selectors. We will examine their use cases, the reasoning…

Tags: promql, selectors, learning

The Anatomy of a PromQL Query

June 18, 2020 by Julius Volz

Let's have a look at the anatomy of a PromQL query. PromQL has operators, functions, selectors, and more, but let's not get bogged down by those details in this post. Let's instead look at the overall nature of a query: How are PromQL queries…

Tags: promql, promlens, learning